

As we grow in our careers and expertise, we develop certain behavioral patterns and routines and come to rely on certain skills we’ve invested a lot in developing because they’ve served us well — in a number of situations over a number of years… and then one day, not only do they not only NOT work, they’ve actually become destructive!

Making it worse is our inability to recognize what it is that’s causing us to stumble. We often make assumptions about how others are experiencing us or what they know about who we are and what we’re capable of. What if our assumptions are wrong?

Knowing that we “can’t see the picture when we’re in the frame,” we need some way to discover what’s really going on and how we can make adjustments that will get us back on track.

In today’s episode, host, Laura Prisc, walks through the 20 behaviors that consistently get us stuck in our career growth, as defined by Executive Coach, Business Leader, and Author, Marshall Goldsmith, and discussed in his best-selling book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

Laura also offers insight into some of the behaviors that threatened to get her stuck along her career path. Get ready to take notes… This episode will be eye-opening, for sure.