
Happy Friday! Time for your Friday ritual.

Are you like many, so excited to have made it through another week that you rush into the weekend without giving it much thought? Or do you take the time to thoughtfully plan ahead, considering the attention some of your relationships might need, or the rest or reflection time you might need? I’ve been working at this, since we started this journey together in January. I don’t always get it just right, but I am much more thoughtful about my weekends these days, and what I can do to think ahead and plan for the next few weeks, as well.

This weekend, my plans are to rest and prepare for a couple of big events coming up in the next couple of weeks. Of course, there will be play time, as well; one cannot not have play time with a six-year old!

While I did get my flowers planted, I didn’t make it to the nursery for the lavender, and I could freshen the mulch in my beds. I have some fine-tuning to do on the keynote presentation I will be making on Wednesday during the Women in Leadership Luncheon put on by the Mid-Ohio Valley Chamber of Commerce. That’s going to be a fun event! The theme is What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, based on the best-seller by Marshall Goldsmith. In addition to my presentation, we will offer a self-assessment on global leadership for the attendees to work through and discuss; great tool for increased self-awareness and potential growth and change opportunities in the future. In the afternoon, we will have a panel of successful women in various stages of their careers who will share their stories of points in their career where they stumbled and had to learn new behaviors to support their growth to a new level of their work.

If you haven’t read this book, and you are feeling stuck in your work, I recommend you pick up a copy; the answer may be quite plainly spelled out in the book!

There are, of course, a number of other things going on these days, but these are the big rocks for my weekend.

How about you?  What’s on your weekend list?

With our attention turned to “focus” this month, what has changed for you in how you look at and plan your time?

Who will command your time and attention this weekend?

What activities will you fit into the weekend?

What planning or preparation do you need to do for the coming weeks?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you Monday!

This has been a fast week for me. What about for you?

What benefits have you experienced from identifying and removing distractions this past week to stay focused on your project?

What do you need to do to maintain this kind of focus over time?

How could being this focused increase your production and fulfillment at work?

I encourage you to really spend some time with these questions and your journal today.

It’s somewhat warm, humid, and rainy as I write this, and I am so looking forward to this weekend.

My plans are to rest and play… mostly! And, yes, there will be some work. On my business, on Empowerment Mentoring, on Women in Leadership Luncheon prep, but mostly fun.

I have flowers to plant in my boxes out front. Need to hit a local nursery to replace a few lavender bushes that didn’t make it last year (there’s always a risk when you buy them at 80% at the end of the season and they are totally root bound in their containers!). And on Sunday, will be the highlight of my weekend: An afternoon with a good friend, lunch, shopping, and painting. Yes, I said painting. We are going to a place called Uncork and Create for Mimosa Sunday. I’ve never been, but you go and paint a picture, and while you paint you may enjoy a glass of wine and snacks…if that suits you. I’m just really looking forward to the girl time and creative outlet. Don’t get me wrong, though…this activity will push me out of my comfort zone. I’m not a “visually” creative person usually. My creative juices normally flow along the lines of words, ideas, and concepts. So, I truly welcome this opportunity to get outside myself for a bit and see what happens.

Oh, and it looks like I’ll be spending a week in June, in Guatemala with John C. Maxwell, and a number of my fellow John Maxwell Team Members, teaching transformational leadership! How’s that for the opportunity of a lifetime? I’m more excited than I can say, and as you can imagine, there’s a lot of work to do to prepare for that!

Now, it’s your turn. What’s on your list?

Who really need your attention this weekend? You? Family? Friends? People you’ve not yet met?

What really needs your attention this weekend? Is it projects, rest, relaxation…?

What thoughts do you have about the level of focus you are applying to your life?

What’s in store for you this weekend, next week, and in the coming weeks? Are you taking the steps to set yourself up for success and fulfillment?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you Monday!