
As we near the end of this month’s focus on Legacy, let’s just get crystal clear for a few minutes.

Every one of us will leave a legacy. It may be last a lifetime or only a moment. You get to decide.

Because you are the person I believe you to be — someone who wants to grow and be an effective leader (you wouldn’t be reading this blog if you weren’t on this kind of journey) — I encourage you to reaffirm your commitment to leaving a lasting, positive legacy in the lives of others.

Write it out…

My Commitment to Leaving a Lasting Legacy…

Now print it out and put it somewhere you will see it daily; it will help you stay focused.

As you move toward your desired team legacy, what costs might there be in pursuit of it? Make a list…

What challenges might you encounter on your journey?

What capital (personal or corporate) do you have that you can use to achieve your goal?

What could the impact be on your team / organization if you do not pursue your goals?

If you don’t move forward, how would you look upon your life?

How would not moving forward impact the legacy you are hoping to leave?

Let’s take this week’s discussion to our teams / organizations. Gather your team together, and share the PepsiCo story with them. Then, ask them what they’d like the team’s legacy to be.

As a team, discuss your desired legacy and what you need to do together to pursue and achieve it. Know that you may need to reallocate your time, energy, and resources in order to accomplish your dreams.

Take some time to put together a list of the ideas you have for how you will hold this meeting. The more prepared you are, the more successful you will be.

I look forward to hearing what you come up with.