
Let’s take this week’s discussion to our teams / organizations. Gather your team together, and share the PepsiCo story with them. Then, ask them what they’d like the team’s legacy to be.

As a team, discuss your desired legacy and what you need to do together to pursue and achieve it. Know that you may need to reallocate your time, energy, and resources in order to accomplish your dreams.

Take some time to put together a list of the ideas you have for how you will hold this meeting. The more prepared you are, the more successful you will be.

I look forward to hearing what you come up with.

Good morning and Happy Friday! It’s been another fast and busy week. I’ve been working hard to be more focused to ensure my time is spent productively, and not just busily. It’s paying off! I started a big project I’ve been putting off for some time, and took care of a couple of other things that have been on my to-do list for some time. It feels really good, very satisfying.

Monday night, I drove up to the Akron-Canton area and spent some time with several other members of the John Maxwell Team. It’s always great to spend time with these folks — energizing, supportive, encouraging, and like-minded when it comes to growth and development. Taught this week’s Empowerment Mentoring lesson on Attitude on Tuesday. Had a meeting with a woman interested in coaching last night. A good week, a productive week, and I am really tired and looking forward to this weekend!

I have some proposals to work on, some writing to do, preparation for next week’s Empowerment Mentoring lesson on the Terror Barrier (oooh, this one is sooooo powerful!). I am treating myself to a pedicure tomorrow, will get lots of sleep, will spend some time preparing for some trips coming up in a few weeks. O.h, and time on my bike and yoga (have to say, it feels good!).

What about you? What do you have planned for this weekend?

Who will you spend it with?

What do you need to do to set yourself up for success on Monday?

What’s going on in your life in the coming weeks and months that you need to spend some time thinking about and planning for?

However you spend it, make it intentional!

Remember…whatever it is you’re doing, it’s building your legacy!

“See” you on Monday!

I’m guessing you’ve spent a considerable amount of time, energy, and effort achieving whatever level you’ve attained in your life to-date. And while I’m certainly not suggesting you are close to being done, I do believe there is no time like the present to start thinking about, planning for, and taking action toward whatever legacy you want to leave.

What is the biggest need you see within your organization, your community, your family?

What skills, talents, experience, gifts do you possess that would be of benefit in this situation?

How could you give back in a meaningful way, in alignment with that need?

If the idea seems overwhelming, it needn’t be. Start small. Do something relatively easy for you to do, with a short-term commitment. Work your way up to taking bigger steps each time. You might be amazed at how impactful something is that you considered to be very small.

And if you’re not already a “giver,” I guarantee you will like the way you feel when you do give…selflessly.