

“Success requires a certain amount of discomfort, pain, and suffering. If you want results, you have to be OK with that.” ~ Evan Jensen

While he’d been interested in health and fitness for a long time, writing for health and wellness newsletters and magazines was his day-job, Evan Jensen shifted into running because of a friend. It was in St. George, Utah, and the friend was talking a “big game” about running the local marathon.

Evan thought, “It can’t be that hard!” And decided to give it a try. He discovered there was a powerful draw for him in running and kept at it. After 30-40 marathons, it had become easy to him. He was sure there must be something more than that…

There was – is! It’s called Ultramarathon Running and while there are a few routes/races that are somewhere in between 26.2- and 100-mile runs, Evan prefers the long runs! In his first 100-mile run, near Seattle in 2011, he dropped out at 88 miles – having been attempting to compensate any way he could for some excruciating shin splints that made themselves known at the 60-mile mark!

Not wanted to do permanent damage to his body, he did the smart thing and dropped out. But it ate at him. He knew he could do it; he’d just have to take a different approach to his training, nutrition, and preparation.

To-date, he holds the record for the Most Finishes at the Mountain Lakes 100-Mile Ultramarathon, held south of Portland, and he’s not interested in relinquishing that distinction anytime soon.

Listen in as he tells the story of his literal, mental, and emotional journeys of these runs and how they help him maintain his inner equilibrium in times of stress and hardship.

Evan’s Bio

Evan Jensen is a freelance copywriter for health and fitness businesses. He’s the editor for, a blog about the business and craft of freelance writing. He’s also an award-winning journalist, personal trainer, and ultramarathon runner. Evan holds the record for the most finishes at the Mountain Lakes 100-Mile Ultramarathon in Oregon. When he’s not on a writing deadline or catching up on emails, he’s chasing his three kids around or training for another 100-mile race.

And there’s one more thing…Evan and I worked together when he was a communications intern at a health insurance company about 20 years ago!

For more:

The Healthy Copywriter

Make a Living Writing
