

We are Spiritual beings having a physical experience!

If you’re like host, Laura Prisc, you’ve wondered, and maybe even asked, what your purpose is in being here – on the planet, living this life. Much of Laura’s life has been lived in search of the answers to those and other big questions. So, it’s no surprise that when she and guest, Jennifer Urezzio, met, they hit it off and jumped right into this conversation.

When Jennifer began asking those questions, she received deep insight into her work, which is helping others tune into themselves, recognize their personal Soul Language, and use that knowing to frame how they show up in their lives and work.

“This makes Soul tangible, in yourself and in your business,” she explains. “It allows us to put words to that thing we know deep within…” it’s what’s true about and within us… and it’s speaking to each of us all day, every day, if only we’d tune in and listen!

Soul Language helps us understand our mission in life – what we’ll be known for here, and our ‘soulful personality,’ how we show up and use our unique gifts with others.

As Jennifer aligned more and more with her inner voice, what she calls Divine Voice, she was able to clearly articulate the concepts of Soul Language and how it works in life and in business. She went on to (literally) write the book and develop a program to expand this knowing and way of living with others. Today, there are a number of certified Soul Language practitioners helping others connect more deeply with themselves.

One way to do this is to create a daily sacred practice that works… When we feel separate from our higher power, that separation shows up in our lives as lack, pain, and suffering. Participating in a daily sacred practice that fits who you are will allow you to create in a more powerful way, feel more at peace, and know that you are safe no matter what challenge may appear in your experience. As a spiritual renegade, your sacred practice needs to be flexible.

This conversation will have you asking some of those big questions, if you aren’t already engaged in that exploration. And if you’re ready to discover and align with your Soul Language, Jennifer is ready to help!

Jennifer’s Bio

Jennifer Urezzio is the founder of Soul Language – a paradigm that puts tangibility to Soul so a conscious connection can be established to enable crystal clear decisions for success. Jennifer is also a master intuitive and the author of two best-selling books. Currently, she has trained over 30 practitioners worldwide in Soul Language. At this time there are over 5,000 individuals all over the world connecting to their Soul Languages.

Jennifer has worked with and supported hundreds of successful, highly creative individuals with resolving blocks in their creative process so that new opportunities can be received and created.

Her clients consistently relate how Jennifer provides an environment where they feel safe to open up and be vulnerable. She helps them regain their strength and express their big purpose and mission. Jennifer has even been described as “liquid nitrogen” because she has the ability to see the core of possibilities within each individual’s energy field. She is a master at asking the soul-searching questions that allow individuals to understand and perceive new pathways of success and greatness in their lives.

Connect with Jennifer: 
By Phone: 862-368-5877