
As we near the end of week two, month six, look at the team of people working around you. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of their jobs?

As you consider this question, write down the top two or three biggest challenges you think they face.

Now, consider what simple actions could you take to help your co-workers persevere through the challenges of their daily work?

Plan it out and take action. You’ll make a huge difference in their day and you may be surprised by how good you feel…and how much easier it might now be for you to work through some of your own challenges.

The test of character is not ‘hanging in’ when you expect light at the end of the tunnel, but performance of duty and persistence of example when you know no light is coming.   ~Admiral James Stockdale

A key to perseverance is knowing when to celebrate. When you are up against a challenge — reflect back on your responses to yesterdays’s questions — what key milestones could you celebrate?

Today, think of something you have been diligently working to accomplish. Identify markers to be able to celebrate within this project or task, such as the start of the project, key milestones, key players’ performances, and the completion of the project.

Today, accomplish a key milestone and celebrate with someone to mark the occasion. Let the person know why you are celebrating and share your story about the journey you took to reach this point.


Key Milestones:

Key Players’:

Opportunities and ways to celebrate:

Spend some time today with your journal, considering your responses to these questions:

In what area of your personal or professional life have you been persevering?

What small steps have you taken in this situation?

What have you learned so far in this situation?

What are some ways you can build momentum and not become discouraged?

Who can walk with you through this time?

I won’t color your responses by sharing any of the details of my responses to these questions today; I will share the story with you in the coming months, I’m sure…but today, I can say with absolute conviction, this month’s topic and these questions are really pulling on me.

When you’re ready to share your story, I’ll be here waiting to hear it.