
Tabitha Portrait-176 (1)

If you’re familiar with the concept of Adverse Childhood Events (ACE score) and their impact on how children navigate life and become adults, you’ll be astounded by Tabitha’s story. She’s been through too many of those experiences one would hope to never encounter: Abusive father, divorce (her parent’s, and later, her own); raised by a single mom, who passed when Tabitha was only 15; teenage pregnancy; loss of faith… the challenges sound so overwhelming.

And yet, they do not define who Tabitha Holliman is today. She’s not only survived, she’s thriving. She truly is the personification of resilience and is on a mission today to help other women grow into their personal resilience, as well.

Today, she’s a happily married mother of four. She holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting, and has a busy Tax Accounting practice. She’s learning to homeschool. She helps small businesses implement systems that allow them to grow and thrive. She coaches women through some really difficult times in their lives. And she recently developed and presented a multi-week online program – The Resilient Woman Series.

Listen in as Tabitha shares her story, the lessons she learned along the way, the support she encountered, and some powerful words of wisdom. This episode will allow you to reframe the way you view, attach meaning to, and experience a multitude of events in your own life.

Tabitha’s Bio

Tabitha Hollimon is a Georgia native, a Georgia Peach! She is married to Joe and they have 4 children. She has a Masters’s Degree in Accounting and more than a decade of tax accounting experience. She specializes in working with small business owners and entrepreneurial individuals who seek to expand their financial business knowledge.

She also has a passion to support families, especially women, whether stay-at-home moms or career women. She has dedicated 10 years to women’s ministry and children’s ministry. Tabitha has made a stride to facilitate community and networking as one of her superpowers. She has a heart for people!

Connect with Tabitha:

Resilient Woman Series

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Tabitha’s Tax Accounting Services