
Get out your journal and spend some time reflecting on what’s happening as you demonstrate new behaviors in support of your new belief. *

What was easy?

What was difficult?

What surprised you?

What resistance did you encounter (either internally or from others)?

What have you discovered about yourself through this process?

How are you thinking differently about how your beliefs affect your vision?

Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture.     ~William James

By the way, for those of you who observe this holiday, Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you, my faithful readers, who give me a reason to be here daily, sharing my thoughts, beliefs, lessons learned, and hopefully, making a positive difference in your lives.

*From the Intentional Leadership booklet, by Giant Impact.

Let’s work on the negative beliefs we identified yesterday. Choose one and spend some time thinking about how to change it, and change your life in the process.*

Old belief:

Daily actions that supported that belief?

What could you believe to be true, instead?

New belief:

New daily actions in support:

Now that you’ve given this some thought, and identified how you can change the belief, change your behavior, and change your life…commit to the new actions and put them in your calendar, so you have no excuse for not following through.

If you’re willing to share what you’ve come up with, send a note in the Comments box. I’d love to hear what you’re working on.


*From the Intentional Leadership booklet, by Giant Impact.

Today, let’s get specific about what you believe. Write down your top three beliefs, followed by specific actions you take daily that demonstrates your belief. Remember, this isn’t restricted to your work life, consider all facets of your life and how you embody your beliefs in your daily words and actions.

Here’s an example, if you believe staying fit and healthy is critical to success, you might demonstrate that through your eating and exercise habits.

This can be tricky though, like values, the question is – do you simply say you believe certain things, then not back it up through actions, or do you actually live your beliefs. Remember, if I asked you to review your checkbook and your calendar for the last couple of weeks, what stories would they tell about how you invest your time and resources?

Belief #1

Daily actions in support:

Belief #2

Daily actions in support:

Belief #3

Daily actions in support:

As I’m sure you will notice, we strengthen our beliefs through daily actions; just as we live our values through daily actions. If you are aware and mindful of them (both beliefs and values), decision-making will come easier, which allows you to really focus your energy on what matters most. In turn, this behavior can help you achieve your vision.

Be mindful, though, because this works in reverse if your beliefs are negative. It’s a good exercise…so as you did (above) with your positive beliefs, write down three negative beliefs you hold, and how those are demonstrated through your daily actions. Here’s an example, if I don’t believe myself to be worthy of someone’s time and attention, I will behave in such a way as to reinforce that belief to myself, while transmitting a negative frequency to that person, which will lead them to believe it, as well.

Belief #1

Daily actions in support:

Belief #2

Daily actions in support:

Belief #3

Daily actions in support: