
As we end this third week of our focus on belief, I find myself in a new and exciting place…one in which I am breaking through some formerly self-limiting beliefs about who I am, where I’m headed and what I’m capable of. Let’s say I’m conducting an experiment in stepping forward into my beliefs and testing the waters to see if my beliefs are valid. Only time will tell, but let’s say it’s been a good week, with a lot of exciting and intriguing things on the horizon.

I have given myself a bit of a break this week; although I’ve been doing some work, I’ve also allowed myself more “leisure” time. Truth be told, I’ve been  so much more focused that I’ve accomplished a number of things in my new office so much faster than I’ve experienced in previous environments, I’ve surprised myself. I don’t know about you, but I believe the physical and emotional environment is critical in terms of being conducive to productivity, and this new space is proving that out, especially in comparison to other environments I’ve been in.

So, as I approach this weekend, I have a mix of work and play on my mind. I will enjoy some creative and festive activities with family, and I will continue to polish my presentation for a speaking engagement I have on Monday. I need to spend a little more time and energy engaged with family members who are on the west coast. And I need to work on my schedule for the coming weeks.

What will you do with your weekend?

What is calling for your attention?

With whom do you need to spend some time?

What do you need to do to prepare for next week, the coming holidays and the new year?

However you choose to spend it, I hope you are intentional.

We will begin our fourth and final week of discussion on Belief on Monday. It’s hard to believe this will be our final week of this Intentional Leadership journey — at least in the structured way thru which we’ve been working these past 12 months. Rest assured, my focus on leadership and growth will not wane, but we will take a new approach in the coming months.

Have you refined your mission statement to a point you are ready to say it’s final? This doesn’t mean you never revisit or revise it, but are you satisfied with it as a guide for your next 6, 12, 18 months? Perhaps even longer…?

If so, let’s make it real and visible — a daily reminder.

Print it out in whatever format you prefer (just words, something visual, big, small…). Frame it, if that works for you. Put it in a place you will see it daily, to remind yourself of what you are striving to accomplish.

Now, just to be sure you are really ready to move forward, get your journal out and spend some time writing about the obstacles you are likely to face in pursuit of your mission, and how you will address them.*


*From the Intentional Leadership booklet, by Giant Impact.

The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.  ~Albert Einstein

Take some time today to consider what impact you will have on others, as you live out your personal mission statement. The overall test is this: Would others say their lives are better or worse as a result?*

What impact will my mission have on my clients and/or community?

What impact will my mission have on my family/relatives?

What impact will my mission have on my friends?

What impact will my mission have on my co-workers and peers?

What did you learn, going through this exercise, about your mission statement?

Will you pursue it? Or do you think you need to make adjustments?

*From the Intentional Leadership booklet, by Giant Impact.