
It’s Friday, again, and these four weeks of focus on attitude are coming to an end.

As we begin this weekend, what’s on your list?

Who do you need to spend time with this weekend?

What do you need to do for yourself this weekend?

What do you need to do to prepare for Monday, the coming week, and the weeks beyond?

My weekend will be similar to many…some writing, family time, a little more rest, and preparation for some upcoming teaching and the next Empowerment Mentoring Lesson — Drama this week, and reflection time.

It’s been a full but quick week. Several coaching sessions, including working with my coach, a team-building/strategy session, and was blessed to teach a lesson on attitude, being present, having fun, and making someone’s day.

Whatever is on your agenda for the weekend, I encourage you to spend it intentionally!

We’ve been talking all month about attitude. Have you heard the term before that we should “adopt an attitude of gratitude”? I’ve given this a lot of thought, as I have one foot in one world and one foot in another world, right now.

I’m not where I want to be, fully where my passion lies, and I feel as if the transition is going much slower than I would like. At the same time, I recognize how crucial it is for me to remain in gratitude for where I’m starting from and all the blessings and benefits I’ve received — and continue to receive — at the same time that I am working to remove myself from it.

I encourage you to spend some time with your journal today, writing about your gratitude for the lessons you’ve learned from failures, from the people in your life — past and present, and for what you have learned this month during our study on attitude.

If you embrace life’s challenges with a great attitude, what will that mean for you and for those around you?

What will be the outcome of your life and attitude if you maintain a positive attitude, versus how it might be if you don’t.

If you really take the time to go through this exercise, it will be sobering…I promise!

We all know someone who is currently having a hard time with some aspect of their life. Spend some time today thinking about someone specific who is in this situation…discouraged due to difficulties they face.

Ask them how they are doing. Spend some time and energy in encouraging them in their areas of strength, giftedness, and passion.

If you have the opportunity, encourage them by sharing one of your stories about a tough time you went through and the lessons you learned as a result.

I know, it makes us feel better to share stories of our successes, but the truth is, we learn more from others when they share stories about the times they have stumbled and how they worked through whatever it was. Those are the times we discover what we are truly made of, what we are capable of, and learn the lessons that will help us move forward.

Afterwards, spend some time with your journal and write down some thoughts from your conversation. Write down how it felt before, during, and after.

Write about the impact you were able to have on the other person.