It’s been a week since I said I wanted to start a movement and challenged you to ask the simple question, “If you could have a small miracle today, what would it be?”
I wonder, have you done it?
I have asked a number of people and have received some interesting responses. Most notably, several people repeated the question, seemingly rolling it around in their mouths to really get the feel for it before responding…and when they did, they typically said they had pretty much what they needed, and didn’t feel the need to ask for anything more.
I got the sense they really appreciated the simple gesture of my asking the question and then truly listening to their response.
I did, however, have the opportunity to act in a few cases. I did a little research on invitations for a co-worker who is planning a birthday party for her twin boys, with a “spy” theme. I provided more than a few people with Hershey’s dark chocolate kisses. One person wanted to send “peace” to someone she was once close to, whom she knows is struggling with some serious issues. Of course, I’m not powerful enough to actually put this person at peace, but I can send focused, positive thoughts in the right direction.
So, the week may be over but the opportunity is ever present. I will continue to ask the question and do my best to respond to the needs of the people around me.
What about you? What response did you get when you asked the question, and how did you respond? How did you feel?
Please, don’t be shy…we’re all waiting to hear your stories…just click into the “comments” box below!