Over the past 25 years, I’ve developed expertise, and in some cases earned appropriate certifications, in the following areas that can serve you and your organization at deeper levels. I offer all of these programs to my clients and often bring the tools found here into our one-on-one relationship, as well.

Here’s a look at the most popular stand-alone programs available and a snapshot of who they have worked for in the past.

Building Strengths-Based Organizations

Strength Coach


Are you aware of what your naturally-hardwired strengths are? Or maybe you have a good sense of them, but aren’t able to articulate what they allow you to contribute that’s unique?

Each of us is naturally-hardwired to be good at some things more than others. StrengthsFinder is an online assessment that objectively identifies an individual’s strengths and unique strengths profile. It’s especially powerful in allowing individuals to speak with confident vulnerability about strengths and weaknesses.

We can dive deep into the unique contributions, needs, triggers, and over- and under-used patterns associated with individual strengths. Doing this work ensures that each person in your organization is in a role that allows him/her to perform at their highest good, based on their strengths.

Taken one step further, we can use StrengthsFinder to intentionally develop strengths-based teams for every day and/or special project work.

Gallup Says… :

  • Managers who understand, appreciate and invest in team member’s strengths, enjoy a team that is more productive and engaged.
  • Teams that focus on strengths every day have 12.5% greater productivity.
  • People who focus on their strengths are 6 TIMES more likely to be engaged in their jobs.
  • When managers influence and inspire engagement, their jobs become easier and their teams are more productive.
  • Workgroups with high employee engagement levels experience 22% higher profitability and 21% higher productivity.
  • Teams with high employee engagement levels experience 37% lower absenteeism and 10% higher customer ratings.

If you desire a team aligned with these statistics, I have a strengths-based approach of working with your team to make a difference in the future of your organization.

When you’re ready to develop your, or your team’s strengths, call me at 304-916-0348 or email me at laura@lauraprisc.com to learn how we can work together to develop your team’s strengths profile.


Human Behavior Analysis (DiSC )

Dr. Robert Rohm, Personality Insights/DiSC Expert

Ever wonder why you have “bumpy” interactions with some people and not with others? Have you asked yourself, “What are my chances of connecting well with another person?”

On the surface, the answers to those questions are simpler than you might guess. According to Dr. Robert Rohm, of Personality Insights, on average, two people have about a 40% chance of experiencing a good personality match based on how their personality styles naturally fit together.

That means, most of the time, two people are likely to have a built-in challenge in relating well with each other – UNLESS they understand each other’s personality styles. Personal and business success hinge on effective communication with others.

Why guess and take your chances in relationships when you can know your personality style and the personality style of those around you?

My foundational belief is that self-awareness is crucial for your success regardless of position or title. Understanding your behavioral preferences and tendencies when relaxed, or under stress, will improve your effectiveness in numerous situations. The DiSC assessment will allow you to clearly articulate your preferences and understand those of others.

When you couple DiSC (personality, styles, and preferences) with StrengthsFinder (naturally-hardwired strengths), and you will be light years ahead of your peers, colleagues, and competition with respect to self-awareness and your ability to design and co-create the life and work you love.

When you’re ready to deepen your self-awareness and start living intentionally, call me at 304-916-0348 or email me at laura@lauraprisc.com to see how we can begin this important work together.



Here are a few of the others resources I can pull from to help you grow as a leader and engage your team:

Learn to Lead: Leadership is about influence, not position, power, or authority; attempting to move people solely through one of the latter means will only result in malicious compliance delivered by transactional employees. Clearly, that won’t get your organization where it needs to be in today’s dynamic, increasingly competitive environment.

Leadership is about developing oneself, demonstrating integrity, developing trust-based relationships, sharing vision, inspiring others to act, and developing others. Anyone can grow into an effective leader but it doesn’t just happen!

Effective Communication: Communication is the key to success in every relationship — whether it’s personal or professional. I will share with you the keys to effective communication, including:

  • Understanding your audience and tailoring your message to their needs
  • Recognizing and understanding different communication styles
  • Mining for and resolving conflict
  • Providing and receiving feedback
  • Listening versus hearing

Building Healthy Teams: Understanding what differentiates a workgroup from a team is the first step in building a healthy, high performing team. High performing teams begin with building a foundation of trust, mine for and address conflict, work toward true commitment, take ownership and are accountable, and have a defined set of results that each member is focused on achieving for the good of the whole.

When you’re ready to learn from the true master in the field of leadership, call me at 304-916-0348 or email me at laura@lauraprisc.com and we’ll discern which content and delivery format will best serve you and your organization.

John Maxwell Programs Laura Prisc