FreshBiz Game
“If the rate of change outside your business is faster than the rate of change inside your business, the end is in sight, the only question is: When?” ~ Unknown
It’s true! The rate of change in business at all levels these days is staggering. What’s a business owner or entrepreneur to do? Establish an environment that nurtures, encourages, and rewards entrepreneurial thinking!
Entrepreneurial thinking — the ability to bring an idea from concept into application — is a necessary element of your business whether it’s brand new or was established 100+ years ago!
“How do I create that kind of atmosphere in my business?” you might ask. The answer can be as simple as “play!” That’s right — introduce your team to game play at work!
The FreshBiz Game is a unique board game experience that develops entrepreneurial thinking for business executives and employees, entrepreneurs and business owners, and top educators and students. In other words, through the framework of “play,” I’ll help you and your team develop real skills in teamwork and collaboration, creative thinking and problem solving, spotting & creating opportunities, next-level leadership, proactivity, resource optimization, self-expression, and more.
Playing FreshBiz will expose the paradigms — belief systems — you and your team are operating under when it comes to life and work. The only way to change them, if they aren’t serving you or your organization, is by becoming aware of what they are and how they impact thinking and behavior. This leads to greater performance and results. Once you have awareness, you have power to create change if you so choose.
This may sound “deep,” and it is, but I’ll facilitate it in a fun and engaging way, like it should be! After all, who doesn’t want to work in an environment that welcomes playfulness, creativity, and fun?
We can incorporate the FreshBiz Game into our work together in a variety of ways, including half-, full-, and multiple-day Think Lab experiences.
Here’s a short video introducing the Game.
Entrepreneurial Mindset powered by the FreshBiz Game from FreshBiz Game on Vimeo.
When you’re ready for some serious play in your organization, call me at 304-916-0348 or email me at
Here’s what some FreshBiz players had to say about their experience with the Game:
“The FreshBiz game far exceeded my expectations. It pushed me to adopt innovative thinking and collaboration. More importantly, it helped me to shift my focus away from myself to the common good of my team and my community.” Travis Kahle, Director for Experiential Learning — Center for Career Development, University of Charleston
“The game really opened my eyes to how businesses can help each other win-win vs. being antagonistic and cut-throat.” Rachel Roberts, TRITON® Unit Leader, The Dow Chemical Company