Story telling is a powerful way to teach lessons and learn from others. Think about some of your favorite movies…are there some on your list that are about people who persevered against sometimes unimaginable odds or the story of an athlete who overcame extreme difficulties to excel. Aren’t these the stories that grab at your heart strings and pull you in?

How about the story of Nick Vujicic? Born with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs, Nick is an internationally known motivational speaker; clearly undaunted by what most of us would consider impossible odds.

When we see, hear, or read these stories, we cheer the people on and want them to succeed.

What story of perseverance comes to mind for you? Why do you remember it?

What makes stories of perseverance memorable?

Why do we find it hard to believe that we can succeed?

This question reminds me of a comment one of my mentors, Paul Martinelli, made last February during a teaching about reaching for our dreams. He said, “I believed it was possible for all of you…but not for me.” Why do we believe it’s possible for others to overcome the obstacles and beat the odds, but not for ourselves?

Describe a time when you persevered? What was the outcome? What was your reward?

I would love to hear your story!