
The term “Mastermind” is used in a lot of different ways by a lot of different people, which makes it hard to know what someone really means when they say it. Laura asking Dave to define it from his perspective is the start of another engaging conversation on this week’s episode of Making Space for Conversations that Matter.

Dave references Napoleon Hill’s work, from Think and Grow Rich, which says that a mastermind is a coordinated effort toward a definite purpose; a group of like-minded individuals coming together to think, explore, learn, grow, maybe even solve a few problems along the way. And says his thinking about what structure it takes has loosened up a bit over time.

These days it could be a group of people engaged in a book study. It might be a group of people who engage in deep discussions on a consistent basis, exploring the meaning of life or other such topics. It might be a focused group of business owners who come together to grow themselves, their businesses, and each other’s businesses in the process. Whatever the details of the members and the focus, it’s often marked by deep bonding between members and the development of a safe space in which to be vulnerable. There’s also an element of accountability built in, which creates an environment of real progress over time.

“We all have flaws and challenges,” he says. “We need to know we’re in an environment which is safe for growth.”

Laura and Dave dive deeper into how a mastermind might function and Dave shares a process and format he’s used in groups he’s facilitated and participated in. That leads into some discussion about online marketing strategies and tactics, values-based behaviors, and more.

When I asked Dave for his Bio, here’s what he shared with me…

“What the hell have you done?” my wife was a little suspicious as I handed her the bunch of flowers…

As it turns out her suspicions were correct, I’d just quit my job as a systems analyst and borrowed £13,000 to buy my father’s failed print finishing business from the liquidators. If I’m honest, that may well have been the first nail in the coffin of my first marriage.

That was the start of my entrepreneurial journey, now fast forward to today…

As a visionary and strategist, I enjoy starting and working with others to start new ventures from the ground up and then handing them over to my management teams to run day-to-day because they’re usually better than me at doing that!

I’ve started, developed and grown over 30 small businesses in many different sectors! Fact is, I love doing what I do and was once described as a “serial entrepreneur”… though I’m not sure whether that was a compliment or not?

One of my mentors, John Maxwell, says “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn!”

Well, that’s certainly been the case for me. I’ve had several failures in business – some of them catastrophic, but every one of them provided valuable lessons and helped me grow and develop. This development led me to realize I had experiences valuable to others in similar situations, but I didn’t know how I could help them.

The solution presented itself in 2011, when I joined LEAD Wales and experienced coaching for the first time. My coaching journey progressed and led to my earning ICF accreditation then Certification by the US-based, John Maxwell Team.

The result: My team and I have launched an exclusive co-working space and business club for entrepreneurs who want to develop themselves so they can, in turn, develop their staff and their businesses.

Come visit us in Llantrisant (UK) and see what all the fuss is about – contact me to arrange a visit.

Resources discussed and connect with Dave here:

Dave on Facebook

Dave on LinkedIn

729 Renegades Mastermind Groups