When You Ignore the Whispers, You May get Walloped!

Shannon Pickering is a warrior, a bright light in the world, a wise woman, and gifted coach in numerous areas. Laura and Shannon met when they were both in DC for a week, earning their Gallup Strengths Coaching Certifications several years ago. Since then, Shannon’s life has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, and the two women dive deeply into what happened, how it happened, and how we all might learn something from Shannon’s story and not have to experience the same things.

Shannon began her professional life as a Psychologist, which was great in some ways and destructive in others. Feeling lost and longing for something she couldn’t quite define, she shifted into corporate life, ending up in sales. Each of these roles and experiences fed some things, filled some needs, and cut off others.

“My mind, body, and spirit just got sicker and sicker, and yet I continued to ignore the signs,” she explains. “Even after I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, I ignored it and denied it.” Until one day, Shannon was leading a full-day workshop and some of the participants expressed concern as they thought she looked unwell. She denied it, eventually collapsed, and was transported to the Emergency Department in an ambulance!

“I wish I’d listened sooner,” she said. “I very nearly died before I was willing to listen…”

Laura explains the idea that our bodies, minds, and spirits are always whispering to us, guiding us, expressing needs and concerns… and if we don’t tune in, don’t listen, don’t heed what we are hearing, we will eventually get walloped with the proverbial 2×4 upside the head!

What Shannon experienced is not uncommon. Our inner talents and unique gifts long to be expressed in the world, allowing us to add value and be of service. When we don’t find healthy outlets in which to contribute, we shut ourselves down and a destructive cycle begins… which eventually plays out in very real mental, physical, and spiritual illness.

Gallup training was the catalytic experience for Shannon; she finally found a place where her passion and talent collided: She could step into her giftedness, serve at a high level, and move forward with greater clarity about her life and work.

And then she experienced some very real and significant resistance: Systemic Lupus – attacking her entire body, including her DNA! At 43 years old, she received what is commonly a death sentence, but she was determined to fight. Learning everything she could about how to heal and nurture her body, her being… she re-emerged and began building a thriving coaching practice. Only to be walloped again with a cancer diagnosis – Stage 3!

Laura notes that it’s consistent with doing powerful work in the world; the closer we get to expressing that thing we are called to bring forward, the more resistance we experience. Its explained in Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art.

The conversation shifts somewhat to more depth into the natural hard-wired strengths both women work to uncover, define, and bring to life in their clients. Shannon expresses the idea that the thing we are criticized the most for, is likely the thing we are meant to share with the world.

To hear their deeper insights and encouragement for how you can show up more fully and authentically in your life, listen in and then check out these links:

Shannon on Facebook and Instagram @AutoimmuneFoodie

Shannon’s Bio

My life has truly been a journey. I am hard-wired for achievement and for many years I worshiped at that alter. I reached every goal I set my sights on attaining, achieving great success in both the clinical and corporate worlds. On the clinical side, I have been a practicing psychologist and career counselor, and I taught psychology at a university. While this was a fulfilling career in many ways, it wasn’t satisfying enough in terms of achievement. So, I jumped into corporate life and for the next 15 years, I held roles in sales, national training, and management for a Global Fortune 500 company. While my inner Achiever was being fed, my inner Empath was suffering.

And what no one knew was that I had been suffering with very serious illness for 30 years. You see, by the time I was 44, I had been diagnosed with 7 autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus. I had endured many surgeries, hospitalizations, and procedures, and I had too many doctors and prescriptions to count. My defining characteristic is perseverance: My motto has always been “obstacles fear me.” I prided myself on pushing through any adversity. So, I just kept pushing my way through illness after illness, living in fear of anyone finding out that I had a weakness in the form of health issues.

What I discovered the hard way is that if you don’t take care of your mind and body and soul, your body will shut you down for maintenance. And by 2014, my body was trying to shut me down permanently. Lupus was attacking my GI tract, my heart and lungs, even my DNA (which is terrifying because you can’t get a DNA transplant). I was completely disabled, I had to retire from corporate life, and I was convinced I would die soon. I was told I needed to start taking chemo and steroids for the rest of life and I needed to accept the relentless progression that lupus was going to make through my body.

And do you know what happened next? I said, “To heck with that!” If there was a way out of the inevitable, I was going to find it. So started the next chapter of my life: I spent the next 5 years studying mind-body-spirit wellness and I successfully clawed my life back from the abyss. After 4 years of healing, I was ready to begin a new career. Which is when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer. And the rug was once again yanked out from under me.

But I accepted the challenge and I am happy to say that as of the end of 2019, I am free of both cancer and autoimmune disease. I don’t even have autoimmune antibodies, which is truly a miracle. And what I treasure today is very different than what I treasured in the past. I am truly grateful for my journey. Facing death has allowed me to truly blossom and release my gifts to the world. During my illness, I obtained several life and health coaching certifications and I am now in my third and final career as a Performance & Wellbeing Coach, the magical career where my strengths and passion collide.

My mission is to help people reach greater levels of performance and wellness in their critical work and life roles through improved self-regulation, interdependent communication, and radical heath restoration. My passions include helping people unleash their authenticity, transform suffering into purpose, and achieve true mind-body-spirit wellness so they can release their unique God-given genius into the world. My journey has taught me that having mental, physical, or spiritual illness will prevent you from becoming who you were created to be.

I have learned there is something of a blindness in our society to the rich variety of human talents. I meet people every day who believe they have no special abilities or genius talents. Well, I am here to tell you, definitively, that you are unique among all people who have ever lived or ever will live. You have genius talents that are both easy to use and obvious to see if you only know where to look. You are, indeed, a very special snowflake. My passion and purpose is to help people achieve holistic wellness so they are free to pursue their passion and their purpose – because the world craves each of our unique contributions.

It’s no surprise, we were built to move; our bodies house and move our consciousness around and if we have any interest in living a full life, we need to be ever aware and taking care of this miraculous form we’ve been given.

It’s no surprise, we were built to move; our bodies house and move our consciousness around and if we have any interest in living a full life, we need to be ever aware and taking care of this miraculous form we’ve been given.Master Myoskeletal Therapist, Matthew Smith, jumps into this conversation with the idea that modern conveniences make things so easy for us that we no longer have to move much. It’s intensified in businesses that focus on efficiency and minimization or elimination of what’s considered extraneous movement. So, while we might be creating tools, systems, and processes that allow us to be more efficient and productive, we should be aware it’s taking a toll on our bodies that we will pay for over time.

Matthew goes on to explain that just 10 minutes of intentional movement and exercise a day can be as effective as an hour-long workout. The key is ensuring your movements and form are correct and that you’re not creating undesirable alignment and movement patterns in your body that will cause pain and other issues over time. “You can’t build fitness on faulty movement patterns,” he explains to Laura.

As a Myoskeletal Therapist, Matthew works with muscle, fascia (connective tissue), and bone in an effort to help his clients achieve appropriate body alignment, posture, and long-term flexibility for optimal health.

Listen in as Matthew shares his learning journey, highlighting the many experts he’s studied with along the way, and why he’s on a mission to help people live fuller lives with strength and flexibility.

If you’re interested in learning more about what a Myoskeletal Therapist is and does, check out these links:

If you’re interested in learning more about what a Myoskeletal Therapist is and does, check out these links: 

Matthew’s Bio

Licensed and practicing for 16 years, Matthew Smith is a well-known massage therapist with excellent regional references. He is a skilled practitioner of Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, and Energy modalities, and is certified in CranioSacral therapy. Matthew also holds a Master Therapist diploma in Dalton’s Myoskeletal Alignment Technique (MAT), and is passionate about providing deep, specific work that focuses on recognizing and correcting chronic pain and postural problems and improving athletic performance. The opioid epidemic has brought unique challenges to our communities, including Matthew’s practice. He welcomes all individuals, with all backgrounds and needs.

Matthew began studying MAT in 2011 with the “big binder” of techniques and dense readings on the guiding principles of manual therapy. Each module since has become more refined, more fun, and more easily applied. Erik Dalton has done the field of massage therapy an enormous service by distilling osteopathic assessment and treatment into a cohesive set of techniques and making them available to massage therapists—the practitioners who still use touch as the primary method of interaction with their patients. The depth of knowledge that MAT training provides is valuable not only for its effective hands-on techniques, but also for its attention to principles of anatomical assessment, movement retraining, and manual application.

Away from manual therapy, Matthew enjoys metal sculpture, restoring and riding vintage Vespas, travel, cooking, exercise, and the outdoors.


Journaling has been a source of desire and frustration for Laura for many years; she longs to do it in a powerful way, “worthy of the paper” she journals on. For this reason, she engages Louise in conversation, as Louise has developed a powerful journaling process.

“It’s a process and a practice. You have to grow into it just like anything else,” Louise explains. “The easiest way is to start with lists… Do’s & Don’ts, Pro’s & Con’s. Then use it to dig deeper into what you’re thinking about.”

Louise explains the power of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) operating in our brains, as the mechanism for how we notice and tune into that which we are focused upon. For example, when we buy a car, we will “suddenly” begin to notice how many more of that exact model and color of car are on the road. It’s not that everyone else bought the same car at the same time; they’ve been all around us all the time, we simply were not tuned in and alert to notice them before.

We can use the RAS to bring more of what we desire into our lives, by being alert and tuned into those things, which makes us more aware of when they show up, and journaling is a great way to tune in and stay focused.

Louise encourages Laura to find or create an energetic, uncluttered, positive space in which she can rest, meditate, pray, and journal routinely. She also provides a series of questions one might ask when journaling to prompt thinking and exploration.

Laura and Louise also explore what prayer is and how it plays into journaling and creating the lives we desire.

If you’re interested in learning more about Louise and the things she and Laura discussed today, check out these links:

Louise Online – Brain Power Pyramid (book and course) OR Career Power Shift
Connect with Louise
Sound Meditation on Facebook

Louise’s Bio

Louise Elliott, Chief Transformation Officer and Founder of CareerPowerShift, LLC, is a Leadership & Career Coach who works with successful leaders to discover their uniqueness, purpose, and direction so that they can impact their families, workplace, and communities that matter most to them. Louise is hugely committed to the success and growth of others with strong compassion. Her innovative and honest style brings energizing perspective for professional career growth through workshops, keynote speaking, and individual/team coaching. Louise offers Concierge Services that Transform Lives with Inspiration, Impact, and Reward. Workshops and coaching services build on communication, leadership, and personal growth.

Louise was on track to be a technology executive in a Fortune 500 financial institution, when her passion for accelerating the success of her colleagues led her to leave her position and dedicate her life to the success and growth of others. Louise’s vocational shift has enabled her to lead and coach 100’s through career upgrades and shifts. Louise now pursues energizing and motivating people to discover the joy within and to realize true success. It is Louise’s dedication to embrace the fuel inside you which is greater than any obstacle. She is passionate about empowering individuals to overcome their self-limiting obstacles through self-investment strategies to achieve career success. Whether you are an individual, a manager, or an executive, Louise can help you overcome struggles and gain clarity in your career path.

Louise has a BS in Management Information Systems and an MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology. She is a Certified Coach, Trainer, & Speaker; an Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team; an Igniting Souls Master Coach; and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc., able to administer personality profile assessments and provide training on the DISC Model of Human Behavior for personal growth and development.