The human body is so much more complicated than we imagine. It’s not just a collection of discrete systems (respiratory, circulatory, muscular, etc…) operating independently. Rather, we are an interconnected, integrated, extremely complicated organism… and what’s going on with us physically is not caused only by physical experiences, but also by our mental and emotional states.
And because it’s the foundation that allows us to be, do, and create whatever we aspire to in life, it’s crucial that we take the best care of it that we possibly can. That’s where Brandon O’Connor comes in.
Brandon O’Connor is a Muscle System Specialist and owner of Austin Muscle Recovery, in Austin, TX. He works with clients experiencing a wide variety of issues – some of them genuinely just physical, and many of them complicated by mental and emotional issues that become trapped within our bodies, exacerbating existing conditions and sometimes creating new ones.
Each client presents differently, and Brandon’s expertise is in the observation of how each person moves and carries themselves coupled with an intense and detailed evaluation to determine the full extent of the physical manifestations of illness, disease, and the impact of mental-emotional stress or trauma on the body. The result is a highly-individualized treatment plan to rebuild and strengthen that person’s muscular system, prior to moving the client along to his colleague who develops highly-individualized exercise plans to further develop and restore that person back to health.
And it’s all based on the client’s desired outcome – the state of physical health they aspire to achieving. Laura observes that having someone this observed and knowing is appealing and can leave one feeling a bit vulnerable at the same time. We all want to be truly seen, heard, and understood, but knowing that another person is observing us closely and can detect where we are out of alignment, maybe feeling weak or unsure can also leave us feeling a bit exposed.
Laura and Brandon also explore the topics of supplements, muscle testing, resistance, and the variety of health concerns people come to him with. If you’re curious about your body and want to get some insight from the “Sherlock Holmes of the Muscular System,” (as Laura thinks of him), you’ll want to eavesdrop on this conversation.
Brandon’s Bio
For the last 18 years, Brandon has been helping people live a better life through resistance-based exercise and Muscle Restoration. His passion for exercise started at age 15, when he began lifting weights for sports. That passion grew to the point that he wanted to help others reap all of the benefits he found through regular strength training.
With that purpose in mind, Brandon started a personal training practice in 2001, which started a journey to find the best possible solutions to help clients achieve their goals. Along the way, Brandon discovered radical interventions involving muscle testing and specific hands-on techniques to produce dramatic results in real time. It was a ‘game changer’ in his work, leading to the discovery of his niche: Helping those who were suffering the effects of traumatic injuries, surgeries, and disease states to return to fuller health.
Brandon founded Austin Muscle Restoration in 2009 and the Autoimmune and Injury Gym in 2015, where he and his team put their knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics to work on a daily basis. In 2018, Brandon became an instructor for the Muscle System Specialist Program instructing others in radical muscle recovery.
He holds the following certifications: Muscle System Specialist, Master Level Muscle Activation Techniques, Master Level Resistance Training Specialist, ISSA CPT, NASM CPT, NASM PES, Cooper Institute CPT.
Connect with Brandon