Women Entrepreneurs of Syracuse

Discovering your “superpower” and finding your perfect niche – that sweet spot where you get to do really good work and have a lot of fun doing it – is often an iterative process. We try, learn, shift, learn some more… and along the way we narrow, redefine, explore, and discover what we’re good at and what we enjoy doing. At least if we are in the process of exploring and seeking.

And that’s what happened for Jen Liddy. Born curious, she loved learning. The first in her family to attend college, she thought there was only one recipe for success and she seemed to be missing “the” elusive magical ingredient. By allowing herself the freedom to ‘dip her toes in and see how it goes…’ she eventually realized the truth. There isn’t just one recipe for success; as unique individuals, our paths will be different and our niche’s will be, as well.

And she’s tried a few… from HS English Teacher to partner in a fitness studio, into Life Coaching, and now in her sweet spot – Business Development Coaching. Serving women business owners who are in the middle of their business and feel like the business is running them instead of the other way around.

Her unique gifts allow her to deeply listen and pull out the core language we use to express what we need and then how to create the powerful messaging in response. The ideal outcome is helping a client craft that messaging that allows her to connect with her ideal clients, so they can do powerful work together.

Jen shares some of the challenges and lessons encountered and learned along her journey. She shares insights into what she’s learned that has been helpful for her. Together, Jen and Laura discuss some of the tools they use in their coaching practices to help those who come to them.

Jen’s Bio

After making the terrifying leap into entrepreneurship from education, Jen Liddy learned how grow a business from the inside out via a brick & mortar fitness studio.

She learned all. the. lessons. the hard way… so much so that eventually her business ran her instead of her running it!

Now, as a Business Development Coach, Jen teaches women how to grow businesses that work for them and their life. Learn more and connect with her below.

Connect with Jen:

Jen Online

Instagram — @JenLiddyCoach

Jen on Facebook

Donald Miller’s Storybrand

It’s inevitable; no one of us is immune to this experience. At some point, our lives will be turned completely upside down… sometimes because of a decision we made or an action we took and sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control.

As the saying goes: We don’t get to choose what happens to us; we get to choose how we respond to what happens to us. And that makes all the difference! Maria has experienced a few upheavals in her life and today she shares some of what she’s learned through the process.

For her, it’s actively attending to “how we bounce!” She encourages her clients to take stock of the tools in their possession: Assess your core values – they will guide you to make decisions based on what matters most. Take time in solitude to listen to your own inner wisdom. Learn through experience by adjusting, adapting, and innovating along the way.

Laura and Maria also dig into the idea that sometimes the stuff we pick up and carry through our lives isn’t “our” stuff, isn’t our responsibilities; recognizing and releasing is key here. Their collective wisdom and insight guides you to this:

  • Do the best you can in the moment.
  • Reserve the right to be smarter tomorrow.
  • Make new choices when you know better.
  • Find an experienced guide to help you grow through the upheavals and transitions in your life.

Maria’s Bio

María Tomás-Keegan is a Career & Life Coach for Women, specializing in transitions—what she calls “the Upside Downs of Life.” Her 30-year career in corporate management, coupled with her experience navigating many personal life-changing events along the way, has evolved into compassion for women who feel they need to be super-human. Family, friends, community, and career make for a full plate, and many women feel the need to be perfect at all of it, all the time. You’re not alone!

She is an award-winning author of Upside Down to Right Side Up: Turning Transition into Triumph, speaker, and producer and host of an international TV podcast on VoiceAmerica TV called Tips for the Transition.

Connect with Maria:

Maria Online

Maria’s Podcast

Maria’s FREE ebook

Maria’s other ebooks


If you’ve not heard the term, “Headtrash,” before… you’ll recognize it as “stinkin’ thinkin’” or the voice in your head that tells you you’re not good enough, not able, not worth it… what have you. Laura thinks of that voice as a personal Gremlin and it taunts us with self-limiting beliefs far too often. It’s the stuff that keeps us smaller than we are meant to be, and from taking risks, exploring new things, and going on adventures.

Jon jokingly says, “If you’re going to make excuses, as least make them World Class!” He shares the story of how he recognized his personal headtrash and over time was able to overcome and release much of it.

It starts in numerous ways, but shows up when we compare ourselves to others, berate or belittle ourselves and accomplishments, use words like “never” and “always…” anything that turns into negative self-talk. Looking back, Jon recognizes his intense experience with it began when he was only 11 years old.

His belief that no one could possibly like him if they knew what he was really like shaped his thinking, his behaviors, and his actions over much of his life. He spent an enormous amount of time, effort, and energy in building just the right persona – wearing the right clothes, doing the right kind of work, having the right address, driving the right cars, and belonging to the right groups.

As you can imagine, it was exhausting and hard to maintain. It wasn’t doing much for his personal relationships, either.

Listen in and learn how Jon discovered his personal headtrash, the practices he’s put in place that helped him release that line of thinking and step into his life in an authentic way, and which allow him to do the work he does today – helping businesses increase revenue.

Jon’s Bio

Jon Keel has developed a reputation as a results-oriented Business Advisor, having been involved in this arena since January 1997. In addition to being CEO and Founder of Improved Results (www.Improved-Results.com), which he founded in 1997, he co-developed the Xavier University MBA E-Business program, where he taught Online Marketing and E-Commerce.

He frequently speaks to audiences about performance-based marketing for online and offline businesses. He has written numerous articles and has appeared on several TV and radio news and talk programs. He co-developed the first pay-per-click search engine bid management software and wrote the first book on pay-per-click search engines, “Instant Web Site Traffic.”

With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Engineering, Jon moved to Cincinnati in 1971, with the Procter and Gamble Company. He left P&G in 1973, to work for The Henry P. Thompson Company, and over a 22-year period became the owner and President/CEO. He sold his interest in the company in 1995. In 1987, he received an MBA from Xavier University. He currently resides in Dublin, Ohio, with his wife of 48 years, Colleen.

Connect with Jon:

Jon online

The 14-Day Slingshot Challenge

5 Marks of a Man – book