Good morning and Happy Friday! Another full week has flown past; for me it was productive. I started working with two new mentoring clients, received a commitment for another mentoring clients, attended the annual MOV Chamber of Commerce Dinner, andI finished a project today that I’ve been working on for a while. Check it out — and be sure to let me know what you think!

So, how was this week for you? What thoughts are you having about how beliefs influence your potential?

As we move into the weekend, it’s time, again, to give some thought to how to spend the time. We all get the same 24 hours per day, no more, no less. When you think about it that way, there really is no such thing as “time management.” We cannot manage time; we can manage how we spend it, but we cannot manage it!

Will you fly through it, willy-nilly, flowing with the tide…possibly getting to Sunday night wondering where your weekend went?

Or, will you spend it thoughtfully and intentionally? Will you get to Sunday night satisfied with how your weekend went, and knowing you will have a good Monday morning because you set yourself up to be in a good position on Monday…able to enjoy the day and begin your week focused, alert, and ready for what comes?

Who needs your time and attention this weekend?

What time and attention do you need to give yourself?

What do you have coming up in the next few weeks that you need to prepare for?

However you choose to spend it, I hope you are intentional about it…and I encourage you to notice how your beliefs are at play within the various situations you find yourself in

“See” you Monday!

Spend some time with your journal today, focusing on your beliefs and how they influence your ability to reach your potential. Consider both your beliefs in yourself and your beliefs about others.* Here are a few questions to get you started…then go where your thoughts take you!

What influence do you think beliefs have on your potential?

What do you think you need to believe about yourself in order to step fully into your potential?

What resources do you believe you need to unlock your potential?

How does what you believe about others influence their ability to reach their potential?

What changes could you make in your beliefs that would allow you to soar higher?

What changes could you make in your beliefs that might enable others to soar higher?

There is value in learning from others. Today, let’s get to know someone else a bit better!

Choose two people you know well enough to have a semi-intimate conversation with and ask if you can interview them about their self-beliefs. Here are a few questions to get you started…be sure to write the answers down and go through them, again, later. You just might gain some new insights that will help you move forward.

Name — First Person

Q1: What is the area of your greatest strength, talents, or gifts?

Q2: If you could accomplish anything in one of those areas, what would it be?

Q3: What is keeping you from accomplishing it?

Q4: What could you do to move past whatever is blocking you?

Q5: Will you do it?

Name — Second Person

Q1: What is the area of your greatest strength, talents, or gifts?

Q2: If you could accomplish anything in one of those areas, what would it be?

Q3: What is keeping you from accomplishing it?

Q4: What could you do to move past whatever is blocking you?

Q5: Will you do it?

Review — what can you learn from their experiences and self-beliefs?