
When I think about leadership, it’s clear to me that I need to lead myself first before I can hope to influence and lead others. Part of leading myself first means being awake enough to know that I’m the causative force in my life. What I’m experiencing is the direct result of my best thinking, decisions, actions, and behaviors before today.

For years, decades even, there was a lot of talk of ‘work-life balance.’ Personally, I think it’s a bunch of hooey! By simply thinking about the number of hours each day holds and the basics of how we typically spend that time – sleeping, working, traveling, eating, spending time with family and friends – we know it’s not possible for that scale to balance!

What I’ve discovered is the concept of Life-Work Integration… I’ve learned to ask myself the question: How can I design and create my whole life – making room for all the pieces-parts I want to fit into it – and feel healthy, rested, creative, and fulfilled? It will require thoughtfulness, intention, awareness, and flexibility… sure! But I think it’s possible.

Discover more about how this works and how it might work for you by listening to this episode of Making Space for Conversations that Matter, with host Laura Prisc.

Laura’s Bio 

If you’re not already familiar with her and are curious about who Laura is, what she believes, and what she feels called to create in the world, take a few minutes to peruse her website, read her blog, and listen to the other podcast episodes posted there. 

You can also find her here:
Schedule a complimentary consultation 

Laura by email 

Request a copy of her book – Are Your Leaders Wide Awake? 


On Facebook 

Every day, we are faced with numerous choices… who we’re going to be, how we’re going to show up, what we’ll do or not do, what to wear, what to eat, where to go… some days it literally feels endless, and perhaps even overwhelming.

But it’s important, sometimes crucial, even, for you to recognize that the choice truly is yours.

In this week’s episode, Laura shares some personal stories, insights, and ideas on how many choices we are faced with daily and how even indecision is a choice. The consequences may be minimal or monumental, but it’s hard to choose correctly when operating on autopilot.

Truly, the choice is yours… and I hope you’ll make it, purposely, thoughtfully, intentionally… with consideration for the potential outcomes, choosing that which is most desirable and aligned with what you are hoping to create in the world.

Laura’s Bio

If you’re not already familiar with her and are curious about who Laura is, what she believes, and what she feels called to create in the world, take a few minutes to peruse her website, read her blog, and listen to the other podcast episodes posted there.

You can also find her here:
Schedule a complimentary consultation 

Laura by email 

Request a copy of her book – Are Your Leaders Wide Awake? 


On Facebook 



Wise advice: Learn from those who have actually experienced what you’re experiencing and have successfully found a path forward. When it comes to loving yourself and your body – exactly as you are, and it is, today – Teddey has been there and done that!

As she shares her story with Host, Laura Prisc, Teddey says, “I used to think: There’s something wrong with me and my body.” She didn’t fit the cultural expectations for who she was supposed to be. “I felt like I couldn’t get my life started… I was dancing around opportunities and doing all the things I ‘should’ do to change my body, but it wasn’t working.”

Teddey was on a destructive ‘binge-restrict’ cycle, filled with shame and guilt, when she heard someone speaking about what she had been experiencing, realized it was something ‘real’ that others were struggling with, as well, and she began her path to healing through an intensive therapy program.

She learned to be kind to herself; to develop and follow more nourishing eating habits and other ways of taking real care of herself. In the process, she worked through and healed a lot of old trauma.

Today, she works with women experiencing similar challenges. She uses Reiki, Tapping, and other energetic work along with coaching to help her clients heal themselves.

Laura and Teddey discuss how our culture has normalized a lot of insane beliefs and practices that are so damaging. It’s a deep and rich conversation and hopefully will inspire you to want to come back into yourself and live a more purposeful life.

Teddey’s Bio:

Teddey Hicks is the Food & Body Love Coach. She runs a membership for ambitious women who want an easy and affordable way to stop battling food and develop the confidence to live their best lives and make the money they deserve in the bodies they have right now. Teddey is an intuitive eating coach trained in Reiki, EFT, and hypnosis, and uses all these tools to help her members achieve peace with food and self-confidence.

Connect with Teddey: 
Teddey Online   
Teddey’s Group on Facebook