
Part of Sanni’s backstory is this: “A few years ago, I was working full-time at a software company in Seattle when I decided to quit my job and begin living a more transient, outdoor-oriented life. My time on the road made me realize how often we make life decisions according to a template – one that was not chosen for us or designed for us, simply a product of what is usually done. But I believe that life starts happening when you make it, and it can be perfectly your creation. Too often we hold back simply because we’re not sure of what’s possible…”

Since leaving full-time corporate work, Sanni has built a coaching business and is the co-founder of an experience series called OutWild… a combination of personal growth and outdoor adventure (which often challenges us and leads to deeper insight and understanding – more personal growth!). She’s also what Laura considers an “intrepid communicator.”

Laura invited Sanni in for a Conversation That Matters, because her first exposure to Sanni demonstrated her willingness to wade into real, timely, authentic, vulnerable communication about things that really matter to her. It’s a rare trait and one Laura believes we all long to develop and wish for in the people we are close to.

Over the course of their conversation, Laura and Sanni share philosophies, ideas, and experiences with their respective coaching clients and the work they feel called to do in the world. One commonality is their shared understanding that “what everyone else is doing isn’t necessarily right for us.” Far too often, we follow the paths others tell us we “should” be on, and “should” feel lucky to take… but that doesn’t always lead us to where we – as unique individuals – are supposed to be.

They also discuss self-awareness, the prevalence of “busy-ness” that is consuming our lives and making us less effective and creative than we are meant to be; they dive into what it means – individually – to meditate or seek stillness and just listen… and Sanni introduces the concept of taking “a slow walk” when it’s time for a time out.

Sanni’s Bio

Sanni McCandless has built a career around the intersection of life design and the outdoors. She works primarily as a transition coach for outdoor-focused individuals who want to create more tailored, intentional lifestyles and find agency in their own lives. In her work, she helps people overcome the doubts and concerns that constantly get in the way of living fearlessly and feeling fulfilled. Sanni challenges clients to communicate more honestly with those around them and achieve goals that have been on the back burner for far too long. Sanni is also the cofounder of Outwild, a community and event series which aims to provide people with the space and tools they need to create more outdoor, value-driven lifestyles. Sanni currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she enjoys year-round rock climbing and endless desert views.

You can also find Sanni & other resources here:

Sanni Online
Sanni on Instagram
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Blake Cason – Pivot Wellness

The human body is so much more complicated than we imagine. It’s not just a collection of discrete systems (respiratory, circulatory, muscular, etc…) operating independently. Rather, we are an interconnected, integrated, extremely complicated organism… and what’s going on with us physically is not caused only by physical experiences, but also by our mental and emotional states.

And because it’s the foundation that allows us to be, do, and create whatever we aspire to in life, it’s crucial that we take the best care of it that we possibly can. That’s where Brandon O’Connor comes in.



Brandon O’Connor is a Muscle System Specialist and owner of Austin Muscle Recovery, in Austin, TX. He works with clients experiencing a wide variety of issues – some of them genuinely just physical, and many of them complicated by mental and emotional issues that become trapped within our bodies, exacerbating existing conditions and sometimes creating new ones.

Each client presents differently, and Brandon’s expertise is in the observation of how each person moves and carries themselves coupled with an intense and detailed evaluation to determine the full extent of the physical manifestations of illness, disease, and the impact of mental-emotional stress or trauma on the body. The result is a highly-individualized treatment plan to rebuild and strengthen that person’s muscular system, prior to moving the client along to his colleague who develops highly-individualized exercise plans to further develop and restore that person back to health.

And it’s all based on the client’s desired outcome – the state of physical health they aspire to achieving. Laura observes that having someone this observed and knowing is appealing and can leave one feeling a bit vulnerable at the same time. We all want to be truly seen, heard, and understood, but knowing that another person is observing us closely and can detect where we are out of alignment, maybe feeling weak or unsure can also leave us feeling a bit exposed.

Laura and Brandon also explore the topics of supplements, muscle testing, resistance, and the variety of health concerns people come to him with. If you’re curious about your body and want to get some insight from the “Sherlock Holmes of the Muscular System,” (as Laura thinks of him), you’ll want to eavesdrop on this conversation.

Brandon’s Bio

For the last 18 years, Brandon has been helping people live a better life through resistance-based exercise and Muscle Restoration. His passion for exercise started at age 15, when he began lifting weights for sports. That passion grew to the point that he wanted to help others reap all of the benefits he found through regular strength training.

With that purpose in mind, Brandon started a personal training practice in 2001, which started a journey to find the best possible solutions to help clients achieve their goals. Along the way, Brandon discovered radical interventions involving muscle testing and specific hands-on techniques to produce dramatic results in real time. It was a ‘game changer’ in his work, leading to the discovery of his niche: Helping those who were suffering the effects of traumatic injuries, surgeries, and disease states to return to fuller health.

Brandon founded Austin Muscle Restoration in 2009 and the Autoimmune and Injury Gym in 2015, where he and his team put their knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics to work on a daily basis. In 2018, Brandon became an instructor for the Muscle System Specialist Program instructing others in radical muscle recovery.

He holds the following certifications: Muscle System Specialist, Master Level Muscle Activation Techniques, Master Level Resistance Training Specialist, ISSA CPT, NASM CPT, NASM PES, Cooper Institute CPT.

Connect with Brandon 




More than 20 years ago, Dawna DeSilva began the process of learning what it meant to be a Prayer Servant in her church; today, she travels the world speaking, teaching, and providing Sozo sessions for people in all walks of life from nations far and wide.

If you’re wondering what a Sozo is, so was Laura when she first heard the term a few years ago through a marketing mentor she was working with. In this episode of Making Space for Conversations that Matter, Dawna explains what Sozo means, where the word originated, how it’s used – more than 100 times in the New Testament! – and how she and her team of trained Sozo facilitators use the process to help people like you and me find healing, truth, and relief from the lies that keep us from becoming our fullest selves.

Sozo is not counseling. It’s really an exploration process which brings your core beliefs to the surface and allows you to discern what they are rooted in, whether they are truth or lie, and how to release the ones that bear bad fruit. During the process, participants also learn how to discern for themselves whether the voices in their heads are speaking God’s truth or some other “truth” that may not be based in fact, truth, or reality at all!

You see, we all make up stories about what’s going on in our lives and the world around us; we need to, to make sense of it all and have some sense of security in what often can be a confusing and chaotic life. Our brains are actually wired to look for evidence of what we believe, so it can reinforce our thinking and behaviors. But the stories aren’t always right and true, and when that happens, we are led astray, make bad decisions, choose wrong paths… and create messes!

The Sozo process allows us to remove the faulty lenses we’ve been viewing the world through and see with new eyes through the lenses God uses; the result is a new mindset that allows us to move through our lives in a healthier way.

Dawna and Laura also dip into the ideas of the difference between expectation and expectancy, how we should be impacting the world rather than allowing it to always impact us, and to have more awareness about the energy and messes we allow ourselves to be exposed to day in and day out.

About Dawna

Dawna De Silva is the Transformation Center Overseer and Global Representative at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, and the author of Sozo – Saved, Healed, Delivered.

Dawna founded and co-leads the International Bethel Sozo Ministry, Bethel’s inner healing and deliverance ministry which began in 1997. Bethel Sozo has exploded throughout the world with teams ministering around the globe bringing people freedom, deliverance, and closer connections to God.

Dawna has been ministering with passion and purpose for the past twenty years in her pursuit of equipping and empowering the church to walk in freedom and wholeness of body, soul, and spirit. Dawna’s prophetic and discernment gifts have allowed her to mine treasures from God’s kingdom. With her gift of teaching, she is able to easily translate these revelatory insights into practical, useful, and lasting tools.

Dawna stewards, treasures, and protects her connection to the Holy Spirit and loves flowing with Him while ministering. From this place of intimacy with Him, she releases healing and a tangible awareness of the Lord’s presence. She carries a breaker anointing that is coupled with her strength as an activator that brings group deliverance as she ministers the Word of God.

Her curriculum on Shifting Atmospheres has become a much sought after tool equipping the saints to discern, dispel, and displace negative spiritual forces around them and to partner with and release heaven on earth.

Dawna is an international selling author. Look for her upcoming book Warring with Wisdom, which will be released mid-2020.

You can also find her here:
On Facebook
Dawna Online