
“Success requires a certain amount of discomfort, pain, and suffering. If you want results, you have to be OK with that.” ~ Evan Jensen

While he’d been interested in health and fitness for a long time, writing for health and wellness newsletters and magazines was his day-job, Evan Jensen shifted into running because of a friend. It was in St. George, Utah, and the friend was talking a “big game” about running the local marathon.

Evan thought, “It can’t be that hard!” And decided to give it a try. He discovered there was a powerful draw for him in running and kept at it. After 30-40 marathons, it had become easy to him. He was sure there must be something more than that…

There was – is! It’s called Ultramarathon Running and while there are a few routes/races that are somewhere in between 26.2- and 100-mile runs, Evan prefers the long runs! In his first 100-mile run, near Seattle in 2011, he dropped out at 88 miles – having been attempting to compensate any way he could for some excruciating shin splints that made themselves known at the 60-mile mark!

Not wanted to do permanent damage to his body, he did the smart thing and dropped out. But it ate at him. He knew he could do it; he’d just have to take a different approach to his training, nutrition, and preparation.

To-date, he holds the record for the Most Finishes at the Mountain Lakes 100-Mile Ultramarathon, held south of Portland, and he’s not interested in relinquishing that distinction anytime soon.

Listen in as he tells the story of his literal, mental, and emotional journeys of these runs and how they help him maintain his inner equilibrium in times of stress and hardship.

Evan’s Bio

Evan Jensen is a freelance copywriter for health and fitness businesses. He’s the editor for, a blog about the business and craft of freelance writing. He’s also an award-winning journalist, personal trainer, and ultramarathon runner. Evan holds the record for the most finishes at the Mountain Lakes 100-Mile Ultramarathon in Oregon. When he’s not on a writing deadline or catching up on emails, he’s chasing his three kids around or training for another 100-mile race.

And there’s one more thing…Evan and I worked together when he was a communications intern at a health insurance company about 20 years ago!

For more:

The Healthy Copywriter

Make a Living Writing



On today’s episode of Making Space for Conversations that Matter, an interesting thing happened. We began a conversation about one thing and along the way took a few sharp turns and ended up on a completely different topic! But isn’t that the way great, organically-unfolding conversations go?

We started with this: How does one become the magician behind the curtain, turning voice-based sound recordings into something powerful, audiologically attractive, and easy to listen to? If you’re Phyllis Nichols, Founder of SoundAdvice Strategies and the woman leading the production team that produces this – and numerous other – podcasts, you take a bit of a circuitous route!

Prior to the rise and global expansion of the internet and all its relevant technology, it would have been nearly impossible for someone like me – someone who felt compelled to share her message with a much larger audience – to have her voice heard beyond a local speaking engagement I might book. Today, thanks to technology and Phyllis following the dots along her journey, this podcast has been heard around the globe. From the US to China, from India to South Africa, from Ghana to the Philippines.

We ended up discussing leadership, communication, emotional intelligence… and several other topics near and dear to my heart.

The bottom line: Always be in the process of learning, growing, reinventing yourself and you’ll be ready to adapt to whatever curveballs life sends your way.

Phyllis’ Bio

Phyllis Nichols is the founder of SoundAdvice Sales and Marketing and the Co-Creator of the SoundAdvice podcast. She’s on a mission to help women business owners build connections with great messaging through podcasts.

Connect with Phyllis Here:



Dr. Robert Rohm had an experience I think many of us have faced at some point in time. He was absolutely confounded by the behavior of one of his daughters… and in his attempt to figure it out, he got received some really clear guidance, which led him to focus his time, effort, and energy on understanding others.

That spark moved him into a whole new focus for his life and work. Dr. Rohm is the Founder of Personality Insights, a company that has him traveling the globe working for organizations and companies large and small helping people learn about personality. While there’s certainly a depth of self-awareness hidden in what he teaches, his purpose and recommendation to participants is to help us see, hear, and understand others better.

His teachings on the DiSC Profile allow his students to understand others better so they are able to communicate with the people around them in a manner that will lead to better outcomes. Essentially, the idea is to meet others where they are; don’t expect them to come to you or adopt your style.

While it’s masquerading as a meaningful conversation, today’s episode is really a MasterClass in understanding others and effective communication. So prepare to take notes, and likely you’ll want to listen to this one more than once because there are so many golden nuggets. Enjoy!

Dr. Rohm’s Bio

Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a world-class communicator and keynote speaker who entertains and enlightens audiences with his keen insight into relationships and personal development. Dr. Rohm has profoundly impacted the lives of millions through his presentations designed to raise people’s awareness and appreciation of differing perspectives.

For nearly 30 years, people have laughed and learned with Dr. Rohm as he pours himself into his high-energy, high-impact presentations that continue to enable people around the world to develop and improve their communication and leadership skills. His powerful presentations continuously evolve to offer greater insights into enduring principles for understanding self and others.

Since earning his Ph.D. at the University of North Texas in Higher Education Administration and Counseling, he has conducted seminars and training for audiences as large as 70,000 people. He has shared the platform with other great speakers like Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, President George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Peter Lowe and Lou Holtz; as well as celebrities including Joe Theisman, Johnny Cash, Tricia Yearwood, Glen Campbell, Howie Mandel, Miss America Heather Whiteston, and Dionne Warwick.

He is known as the most “invited back” speaker, because his message applies so well for business as well as for personal use. He is a bestselling author who has written or co-written over twenty books. Dr. Rohm has conducted workshops and seminars on human relations and behavior for numerous schools, churches, businesses and international companies. In 2011, Dr. Rohm gave a live presentation for PBS Television.

Connect with Dr. Rohm here:

Dr. Rohm Online
Personality Insights
Connect by Phone: 770-509-7113