Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D5, W1, M7 — Legacy

Good morning, and Happy 5th of July! Hope you all enjoyed a marvelous day yesterday, with family, friends, and celebration of all that’s great! My day, yesterday, was a bit off-track. I had intended to get a lot of work done on my computer, but the internet wasn’t really working. All the signals said it […]

Intentional Leadership — D4, W1, M3 — Legacy

Happy Independence Day, for those of you who celebrate such days! What better day than this to spend some time in reflection? Now that you’ve written the obituary you would want to be published when you go, what is true about where you are in life today? What might you need to change in your […]

Intentional Leadership — D3, W1, M7 — Legacy

Have you asked yourself the question, yet: What do I want to be remembered for? What legacy do I want to lead? You see, this is like success; unless you can define what success looks like for you, you won’t reach it…So, if you want to leave a certain legacy, you need to go about […]