Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D4, W1, M8 — Change

As we have all experienced, “here today, gone tomorrow!” What is relevant today may be quite different tomorrow. Get your journal out and spend some time in both reflection and forward-planning. As a leader, it’s important not just to respond to change, but also to be able to anticipate it. What’s going on in your […]

Intentional Leadership — D3, W1, M8 — Change

What’s going on in your life today? What three things are you resisting or allowing yourself to be complacent about? Take out your journal and spend some time examining your behavior in these areas, and the reasons behind them. Area 1: Reason for resistance or complacency: Consequences of your behavior: Area 2: Reason for resistance […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W1, M8 — Change

When was the last time you really took a step back and reflected on where you are in your life and what’s going on around you? How much change is taking place? I encourage you to spend some time with your journal today, responding to these questions? Over the past year, what has changed in […]