Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D2, W2, M8 — Change

For many of us, we change only when we absolutely have to — literally pushed through it by forces beyond our control — when the pain of not changing is worse than the pain of the change. We change reactively, rather than proactively. As a leader, you can capitalize on these moments because people are […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W2, M8 — Change

Approximately a year and a half ago, I attended the Chick-fil-A Leadercast, and Andy Stanley was one of the speakers. I don’t remember the entire content of his talk, but one part of it really stuck out for me and I remember it frequently. He was telling to story of two executives, a few years […]

Intentional Leadership — D5, W1, M8 — Change

Good morning, and Happy Friday! Thank you for being here, reading my thoughts…this is my 201st blog post! Again, the week has gone quickly for me. I spent last weekend and the early part of the week in Colorado visiting my mom and sisters. Haven’t had the opportunity to do that in a long time, […]