Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D3, W3, M8 — Change

Have you ever worked in a company that was failing in some way – production, safety, financially? If so, and if the company made it through that crisis, you were likely helped through the transformation by a change agent. A change agent is someone who sees how things should be – especially in terms of […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W3, M8 — Change

Have you heard the saying that sometimes our strengths can also be our greatest weaknesses? It’s true. You see, sometimes we rely so heavily on our strengths that we use them in a super-concentrated fashion, which isn’t necessarily effective. Or, we might rely on them so much that we forget we need to work on […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W3, M8 — Change

What is it about change that so many of us find so stressful? What if we could look at it in a new way? What if we could think of change as an opportunity? An opportunity to exercise and expand our creativity? An opportunity to learn and grow…to become more than we are today? What […]