Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D4, W4, M8 — Change

As we come to the end of this month focused on Change, spend some time reflecting on your past…what is your history when dealing with change? Write down two of the biggest changes in your life. Spend some time with your journal, exploring how you recognized the need for change, how you handled it, what […]

Intentional Leadership — D3, W4, M8 — Change

What is the change you need to bring to your team or organization? What would the benefit be, if you can bring your vision to fruition? Is it worth the work, investment, and sacrifice? Spend some time with your team, or appropriate peers, today to cast your vision about the change and get their feedback. […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W4, M8 — Change

Have you noticed how confidence can be contagious? When you, as a leader, have confidence in your ability to succeed, it also instills confidence in your team. Great change agents typically identify the need for change, cast a compelling vision that allows them to bring their teams/organizations to agreement about the need for change, communicate […]