Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D5, W2, M9 — Attitude

I don’t know about you, but this week seems to have gone by fairly quickly. Yes, I know, some of us had Monday off for the Labor Day holiday, so it makes sense, as the “work week” was shorter than usual…but my days felt as if they went by slowly, so how it’s Friday already […]

Intentional Leadership — D4, W2, M9 — Attitude

Today, let’s spend some time in visualization. Give some thought to where your life will be in one month, three months, six months, and one year, if you follow through on the actions you outlined yesterday. How will others be impacted if you choose a positive attitude rather than a negative one? Write out your […]

Intentional Leadership — D3, W2, M9 — Attitude

Do you have your journal handy? We’re going to follow-up on yesterday’s exercise. Review your answers to the questions from yesterday. When you’ve done this, do you find your attitude is most negative in your personal or professional environment? Once you’ve determined that, write down three specific ways you can choose to respond (remember, responding […]