Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D3, W4, M9 — Attitude

We all know someone who is currently having a hard time with some aspect of their life. Spend some time today thinking about someone specific who is in this situation…discouraged due to difficulties they face. Ask them how they are doing. Spend some time and energy in encouraging them in their areas of strength, giftedness, […]

New employee joining your team? Prepare the nursery!

A colleague of mine and his wife, Jeff and Kerry, are expecting their first child, a boy. The excitement they share as they anticipate this event is palpable. When they talk about doctor appointments, preparations, things they’ve purchased, and preparing the nursery, you can feel their positive energy and they glow with eager anticipation. Shift […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W4, M9 — Attitude

Today, we’re going to spend a little more time on the topic we jumped into yesterday. Get out your journal, and list three benefits or lessons you learned from the two experiences you thought about yesterday. First, what was the failure in your personal life? Benefits or Lessons Learned: 1 2 3 What was the […]