Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D2, W1, M10 — Strategy

The best strategies are simple; make them too complex and they will fail because no one will follow them. To begin, you need to define a clear destination; what are you trying to accomplish and where will you be when you arrive? The strategic plan will help you identify the significant milestones you will achieve […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W1, M10 — Strategy

You’ve gotta have a plan! I’ve worked for 20+ years as a professional communicator. In 2005, I took a job as the Communications Manager at Tree Top, Inc. As I started my third week, I was invited to attend a meeting of an internal team that had been tasked with reviewing all of the company’s […]

Intentional Leadership — Month 10 — Strategy

Strategy bridges the present reality to a future vision by answering the question of how a mission will be implemented. * In this 10th month of our Intentional Leadership journey, we will focus on strategy. This is one topic I am particularly fond of, as it is my greatest strength (according to the StrengthFinders assessment)! […]