Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D3, W1, M11 — Initiative

Let’s look externally today…Who do you know, in your business or industry, who consistently takes initiative and moves things forward? Who is it? What do they do? What results are they getting? What can you learn from observing them? Make a point of letting them know you admire their performance in this area and ask […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W1, M11 — Initiative

Get your journal out and spend some time thinking into these questions today: What do you allow to keep you from taking action? In what situations do you tend to take initiative? In what situations do you tend to hold back? When you do take initiative, how are others impacted — positively or negatively? In […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W1, M11 — Initiative

Do it afraid! This is something of a refrain within the John Maxwell Team…”Do it afraid!” Why would we say this? Because, often the scariest part of doing something new, something different, even something we long for with all our being, is taking the first step! And the truth is, you cannot know what the […]