Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D3, W2, M11 — Initiative

Review your notes from yesterday’s exercise. Now, spend some time developing a three to five point strategy to address the issue you reflected on yesterday. When you feel like you have a good plan, share it with someone you trust and respect. Ask them what suggestions they have for improving your plan. What will you […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W2, M11 — Initiative

How do we get started? Well, first, we must know where we are today; what’s the baseline we are starting from? When we know the starting point, we are able to measure progress. This is the same for building momentum: We must know the beginning, take the initiative to get started, and then we can […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W2, M11 — Initiative

What does it take to get something started? You’re probably aware of Newton’s Law of Motion: A body at rest tends to stay at rest, unless an external force acts upon it… It takes initiative. It takes gumption. It takes someone making the decision to act, and then demonstrating the discipline to do it. If […]