Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D1, W4, M11 — Initiative

A number of years ago, when more and more companies started getting more interested in and involved with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Stewardship, I was working as the Communications Manager for a food processing company. Having been in that position for several years, I had the communication duties well in hand and running […]

Intentional Leadership — D5, W3, M11 — Initiative

It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of week three of our eleventh month on this Intentional Leadership* journey! If you’ve been along on the journey for any length of time, you’re aware of our Friday ritual; if you’re relatively new, jump in, you might find this useful! As you head into the […]

Intentional Leadership — D4, W3, M11 — Initiative

Spend some time with your journal today. Here’s the exercise: Identify a long-term project for which you are responsible. Reflect on what you’ve been learning over the past couple of weeks and use those lessons to build a plan for taking initiative with your project. Write it out… If you already have a plan in […]