Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D4, W2, M12 — Belief

Get out your journal and spend some time reflecting on what’s happening as you demonstrate new behaviors in support of your new belief. * What was easy? What was difficult? What surprised you? What resistance did you encounter (either internally or from others)? What have you discovered about yourself through this process? How are you […]

Intentional Leadership — D3, W2, M12 — Belief

Let’s work on the negative beliefs we identified yesterday. Choose one and spend some time thinking about how to change it, and change your life in the process.* Old belief: Daily actions that supported that belief? What could you believe to be true, instead? New belief: New daily actions in support: Now that you’ve given […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W2, M12 — Belief

Today, let’s get specific about what you believe. Write down your top three beliefs, followed by specific actions you take daily that demonstrates your belief. Remember, this isn’t restricted to your work life, consider all facets of your life and how you embody your beliefs in your daily words and actions. Here’s an example, if […]