Entries by Laura Prisc


Do you need to kick your own a_ _?

Over the course of my life, I’ve not been known as the most diplomatic person, so perhaps you’ll forgive my choice of words. This blog was posted today from a “builder” I have been following, and whom I respect immensely. In this post, Chet Scott points out that high performers self-identify and emerge from the […]

I’ve been asking the wrong question!

No wonder I haven’t had clarity on how to best make the decision — I’ve been asking the wrong question! Have you done this? You ask a question, or pray to whatever higher power you appeal to, looking for guidance and direction. When the idea or answer pops into your head –“Boom! There is its!” […]

Pay it forward, with a catch!

I read this story a while back about a young woman whose bike was stolen while she was at work. She worked full-time to put herself through school, attending only part time, and the bike was her only source of transportation. Out of frustration, she posted an angry note to the thief on a nearby […]