Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D3, W2, M4 — Focus

Now that you’ve defined the skills necessary for success in your current role, and are actively working to sharpen at least one of them, let’s think about who can help you. Who do you know who can help you deliberately develop the skills required in your role? While you surely have an extensive network and […]

Intentional Leadership — D2, W2, M4 — Focus

Let’s work through an exercise to clarify your role, sharpen your skills, and refine your ability to focus. Before you can do this, it’s important to understand you role and what skills are necessary for you to be successful in it. First, on a piece of paper, describe your current role. What are you responsible […]

Intentional Leadership — D1, W2, M4 — Focus

As we move into week two of this month on focus, I am reminded of John Maxwell’s Law of the Inner Circle (21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership), which essentially says that because no one person is strong in every quality, characteristic, behavior, or skill, we need an inner circle — people around us who are […]