Entries by Laura Prisc

Intentional Leadership — D1, W3, M4 — Focus

Wow! We’re already into week three of our fourth month on this journey! Time flies… What does clear focus do for you and your team? When I work with teams, I begin with team building (have to have a foundation of trust before anything else of significant value will happen), and once we have that […]

Intentional Leadership — D5, W2, M4 — Focus

It’s somewhat warm, humid, and rainy as I write this, and I am so looking forward to this weekend. My plans are to rest and play… mostly! And, yes, there will be some work. On my business, on Empowerment Mentoring, on Women in Leadership Luncheon prep, but mostly fun. I have flowers to plant in […]

Intentional Leadership — D4, W2, M4 — Focus

It’s time to get your journal out. Take some time today to reflect on what you’ve learned this week, and especially about the benefits of focusing on and improving a specific skill. Consider, also, the affect on your relationship with the person (people?) you reached out to for help. How could your efforts in sharpening […]