I believe in mastering the art of living.
“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”
~LP Jacks
I’ve always been insatiably curious about people…I long to understand them and why they do what they do. I thrive in deep, meaningful conversation about things that matter. I’m also a bit of a trailblazer and a boat rocker… I confess that maintaining the status quo has little appeal to me!
My life’s experience tells me that I’m wired for visionary-strategic thinking. I am always asking the “What if…?” questions that sometimes make others uncomfortable. Even when it’s scary, I’m up for a challenge and willing to stretch my beliefs, thinking and try new experiences for the sake of understanding and exponential growth.
I have been a lifelong learner, genuinely more invested and intrigued by the journey versus the destination. Yes, reaching goals matters, but it’s how you get there that carves new hardwiring into your brain so you can get there again!
As such, I’ve come to think of my work as a “practice,” much like an artist’s practice. I’m significantly more interested in building a satisfying and integrated life than just building a business.
Circumstances in my early childhood were such that I became quite skilled at reading people, developing my perceptive and intuitive faculties to such a level that as an adult serve me as an executive and life coach, teacher, and speaker. Through what’s been described as an “uncanny focus,” I intuitively understand both the articulated and unspoken needs of the people I serve.
Regardless of who I’m working with, I always begin with the end in mind. We literally “see” where you want to go, then craft a plan to get there. The vision of knowing what the desired result is guides our every step. It’s very smart planning so you don’t waste time going down the wrong path, and my sole focus is your success in whatever endeavor you chose to pursue.
For the past 25 years, I have worked as a professional communicator in a variety of businesses and industries. Some more polished and buttoned up than others. Today, I work with individuals and companies to help line up their core values with the business planning and design and build healthy, collaborative, integrated organizational cultures. Can you be a good person and make money, I say absolutely YES!
Should we have the opportunity to work together, we’ll discover the often-unrecognized talents, strengths, uncertainties, and desires that have taken up residence in your mind/heart for so long. We’ll use a process rooted in curiosity and exploration that I’ve been fine-tuning over the years to discover your greatest talents so you can grow in whatever way you most desire.
Think of me as an experienced travel guide on this journey of life as opposed to a travel agent. I’ve been – and still am on – the journey myself, which is vastly different than just reading about it!
If you’re ready for this kind of exploration and discovery, I am here to help. You can review my CV here or schedule a consultation to see how we could work together. Please email me at laura@lauraprisc.com or call 304-916-0348 to find a time that works for us both.